Sunday, September 21, 2008

"We don't vote."

Now, that's something I'm hearing at some doors -- and I just can't get my head around that one.

Sometimes I hear this when I knock on a house where my voting-list indicates that voters live. So I'm taken aback when I learn that someone may have registered 10 or 15 years ago, but hasn't voted in years. Other times, I'll stop at a house that isn't on my list, but I see that someone's home -- only to learn that they are not registered at all.

I try my best line, "This is a great year to vote," but that goes nowhere. I can't convince them to register or even take an interest in the election. Turns out that voting is just not part of many people's lives -- too many, I'm finding.

1 comment:

ClaireWalter said...

I was disheartened when I read this post, but a lot has happened nationally since you wrote it. Perhaps NOW people will see how important voting is -- and how every vote counts.

Keep on truckin'. I wish I were closer and could help.